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HW School Skills


Why Sponsor sports organisation?

How sponsoring a sports organisation and benefit your small business

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Small business Article on “Why Sports Sponsorships can be rewarding for small businesses”.



Insightful new article from Sports business, cleverly captures, how not just big brands but small business can derive significant value from relatively small investment.

Key points from the article:

·      Sponsorship is one of the easiest and most affordable ways for a small business to gain exposure.

·      Sports sponsorship is more than a logo appearing all over a kit or an event. It is a marketing channel you can use to tell your story, build relationships with customers and build your brand.

·      The reason sport is so powerful, even at a small level, is because of the engagement, passion and sense of belonging that it inspires. Tapping into positive emotions of ‘coming together’ and ‘feeling a part of something special’.

·      Sport brings people together in communities of common interests and passion. It is ideal marketing territory; you can reach your customers when they are at their most receptive.

·      At a time of obesity, sedentary habits and mental health scares amongst kids, sponsoring sport links your brand to a story around active and healthy lifestyles.

Sound interesting? Please contact us to enquire about sponsoring us! rachel@hwschoolskills.com



Ciara Watling